Online DonationThank you very much for your kind support. Please press the Donate button to process your online donation
Donation for specific projectsYou can donate for specific project as stated below:
Mushrooms with a Mission
Single mothers will receive training, technical support and a grow house for mushroom cultivation. It costs USD 600 to building up a grow house. With your generous financial support, these single mothers who are living in the rural area in Vietnam will have stable jobs and steady incomes in the long term and be able to secure the education and good life for their children. You can donate for this specific project here.
Happy quilters
Single mothers in Vietnam and Cambodia will receive 6 months of training and have a good chance of getting a permanent job, a fair wage and a good working environment. This project creates stable jobs and steady incomes for single mothers in Vietnam and Cambodia and secures the education and good life for their children. You can donate for this specific project here.
Restaurant education
The street and disadvantaged youths whose mothers are single parents will receive a 2-year training program. It costs USD 288/month for a trainee including training and living costs and expenses, healthcare, etc.. After graduation, KOTO and Sharing International will help these trainees searching for jobs locally and internationally. With this partnership, we provide street and disadvantaged youths a concrete career opportunity and a brighter future. You can donate for this specific project here.