Projects we are working on
Happy quilters As a partner of Sharing International Mekong Quilts will do training for single mothers in Vietnam and Cambodia, employ them permanently, give them a fair wage and a good working environment. Sharing International will pay for training, machinery cost and import all of the products from these single mothers to sell abroad. With this partnership we create stable jobs and steady incomes for single mothers in Vietnam and Cambodia in order to secure the education and good life for their children.
Read more about this project here. |
Restaurant education In the partnership with Sharing International, KOTO will do training for street and disadvantaged youths whose mothers are single mothers. Sharing International will pay for package training costs and expenses. It costs USD 288/month for a trainee including training and living costs and expenses, healthcare, etc. After graduation, KOTO and Sharing International will help these trainees search for job locally and internationally. With this partnership, we believe to provide street and disadvantaged youths a concrete career and a brighter future.
Read more about this project here. |